It’s essential to get your brand and message out in front of your consumers with fleet graphics as they increase recognition and awareness. However, many businesses fail to consider how much information to include, where to include it, and how to present it to potential customers.

For instance, should you wrap your entire fleet or focus on its rear end? Ultimately, your fleet wraps strategy will depend on your marketing goals and your viewers. 

Here are three fleet graphics strategies that can help you build brand awareness.

1. Be consistent

It can be tempting to create unique vehicle graphics for each car type or service you provide. But, this only creates confusion, decreases the number of potential impressions, and fragments your brand. Therefore, it’s vital to be consistent with your design, logo, color, and style to create a good first impression.

Additionally, consistency cements your brand in your viewer’s mind, building brand familiarity, and recognition. 

2. Focus on importance

Most businesses with fleets usually sell a range of products or services. Unfortunately, you cannot include all the services or products you provide on your fleet wrap, as it can fill up your wrap with too much text. Besides, consumers won’t be able to read and understand your message while your vehicles are on the move.

Instead, focus on what’s essential by including your most profitable, popular, or strategic products and services. Creating a clear hierarchy of what’s important allows you to keep your list short and to attract as many viewers as possible with your wrap.

3. Make small changes to distinguish your services

When your entire fleet vehicles aren’t identical, you can make small changes while maintaining the overall branding to differentiate your services or products. For example, a window company that also provides siding services can change their text but keep their design, logo, color, and style the same.

Hence, if your fleet wrap color is green, it should remain green across the entire fleet while the text detailing your services changes. 


If you want specific details on vehicle wraps, give us a call today or visit our website! We look forward to working with you to assist you with your vehicle wrap.

Concept Wraps provide all forms of vehicle wrapping services. Contact us today to get the best graphics and wrapping services for your vehicle.

Find out more vinyl wrapping works in our Instagram and gallery.